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Really well done! The art is gorgeous, the music appropriately eerie and the writing polished. I went into this thinking it was just a visual novel, but it is so much more, with travel, a blood-health mechanic, inventory, etc. Honestly, I prefer the regular VN format, but I absoluteely recommend this for those who like a more unique experience and more involved gameplay. Thank you for your hard work on this!

Just a few minor issues I had (and probably just me):
1) The cursor sometimes blended too well with the dark background and I had to turn my PC brightness way up.
2) I also found the font a bit hard to read. (Maybe 1 and 2 are just me needing new glasses, lol.)
3) It would be nice to have Log access, or be able to back up a click or two, in case you need to reread something.